Make your writing crystal clear with our
plain-English experts
Using clear, persuasive language will help you reach a wider audience and be better understood. Plain Language Commission can help you do this. We work closely with many companies and government agencies, clarifying their sometimes wordy and complicated writing.
Document and website editing
Need your documents and website professionally edited but don’t want Clear English Standard accreditation? Just send us your documents in Word or PDF (or send a website address) and we’ll give you a no-obligation quotation.
Our editing service can be useful for internal reports or business-to-business legal documents. It’s also helpful for standard letters that change often or that your staff are always customizing – whereas with Clear English Standard accreditation you’d need to keep returning to us to agree the changes.
We’ll normally give a three-day turnaround, depending on the size of the project.
We can also put together a tailored programme of editing and training that will improve your documents and refresh your own authors’ skills.